• The environmental dimension of sustainability concerns the impact of a company on living and non-living natural systems, including land, air, water and ecosystems.
• It is the policy of Thai Ambica Chemicals Co. Ltd, to ensure that all our activities are, as far as is possible, sensitive to all issues relating to the protection of the environment.
• Environmental considerations are taken into account in all Equipment and Raw Material purchasing decisions. At Thai Ambica Chemicals Co. Ltd, we aim at procuring all usable material to be eco-friendly.
• It is the policy of the company to have good housekeeping and disposal of waste material as per norms set by Government of Thailand.
• Thai Ambica Chemicals Co. Ltd, ensures that all information of safety is provided to employees, clients and visitors at our workplace. Safety Training is taken as part of culture of the company.
• All employees of Thai Ambica Chemicals Co. Ltd, are being taken care for the Health & Safety not only for themselves but for everyone affected at workplace.